Creating Alignment in Your Life

If our posture is off, or we have some imbalances in muscle strength or flexibility, we can feel pain.  Chiropractors make a living off of the idea that small mal-alignments in the spine create dysfunction.  As physical therapists, we recognize that if the spine is not aligned, then pain can result either quickly from an injury or slowly over time resulting in chronic pain.  By restoring the spine and muscle flexibility, mobility and length, the spine will return to its proper alignment and pain will decrease and we will feel alive, strong, and ready to take on the world!

The 4-step Approach

If you find yourself struggling with feelings of unhappiness, frustrations with your job, or feeling like you are stuck, then it is possible something in your life is out of alignment.  If you think back to a time when everything seemed to be going right for you, you were happier then you have ever been, and your career was on a rocket ride, then most likely everything you did in life was aligned with your beliefs, values, goals, and vision.

Our values are the guiding principles that reflect the true nature of who we are.  Those values might include integrity, authenticity, truth, honesty, and the list goes on.  When we are aligned, we are living a life that is true to these values.  Living a life out of alignment with one’s values, may lead them down a path that can exhibit signs of self-destruction, anger, lying, stealing, depression, and so much more.

For anyone who does not feel they are living a fulfilled life, I suggest taking a four-step approach to begin getting back into alignment, improving your personal strength, and living the life you deserve.

Step 1:  Make a list of the values that you feel strongly about and ones that are important to you and for those around you to share.

Step 2:  Narrow your list down to the top three to five values that when you look at those words, they make you smile and feel powerful

Step 3:  Now, look at one area of your life that you are not happy with or where you feel stuck.  Apply those top values to that area and honestly ask yourself, “Am I living in alignment with these values?”  Most likely the answer is “no”.

Step 4:  Now, ask yourself a very important question, “How CAN I live this area of my life in alignment with my values?”

Step 4 is often a place where people realize that things are wrong but don’t know what to do about it.  A coach can be a perfect addition to your life to help you navigate your challenges, clarify a direction and plan, and then be there during the journey to help you stay in alignment.