Success vs Achievement vs Fulfillment

Lately, I have been noodling on words commonly accepted in the business world that may have some vagueness to their definition or application in business or a discussion could be had on individual interpretations. 

The word that has been on my mind lately is success.  Success, at first glance, may invoke images of big houses, expensive cars, and clothing, amazing trips, and are typically plastered on social media to “show off” what one has accomplished.  However, it has been said that many people who are “successful” are not happy although they appear to be on social media. 

This got me thinking that the word “success” might have a spectrum of meanings by which it can be defined.  Here are my thoughts and maybe it will provoke some contemplation and inquiry for you.

The definition of success according to is varied but states this:  “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors (goals); the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.”

To me, the definition, or meaning, of success is individual.  When I asked friends how they define success, I heard many different definitions such as, “to not have to worry about small issues”, “to have lots of money, selling a business”, or “a place where one can choose without guilt, judgment, or comparison.” 

I want to offer a spectrum of meanings (and I use that word intentionally because the definition has to MEAN something to you).  Who knows, maybe the definition works for you, and having nice things means you are successful.  I feel like the above definitions in are more closely related to achievement vs success.  If success is extremely meaningful, could it be better described as fulfillment? 

It seems like many of us are seeking or chasing success and some appear to have achieved it as we have more millionaires and billionaires than ever before.  Many of those who have achieved their definition of success are still unhappy.  Is that the success they were chasing?  Many successful people have turned to self-medication techniques to handle their success.  Movie stories are filled with the rock band lead singer OD’ing on drugs or having to go into rehab to get clean.  Did their definition of success include pain?  I think not. 

The trouble with achievement is it gives us a temporary dopamine hit and then we look for the next one to achieve.  We can feel successful by checking things off of our To-do lists and feel good about it but then as the days go on, this may lose its luster and we don’t feel fulfilled.  All of us are successful – many have sold our businesses, others have started new businesses, and some have/are writing a book.  No question, you are all successful by most people’s standards.  Do you feel that you are?  I would love to hear.

I would like to challenge you to explore the range of words and see if you are mislabeling success for achievement or the constant chasing of goals.  Now, if the goals have a deep meaning and once you accomplish you feel like you have fulfilled something bigger than you, I encourage you to say that you are living a fulfilled life, not a successful life.  Most clients that I speak with say they want to be successful, but I think what they are looking for is either the quick fix of achievement or the bigger-picture place of being fulfilled.

What would it mean to you to live a fulfilled life?  If you are not sure, message me or look into some coaching to help define success and to live a fulfilled life.

Happy noodling…